"From the vaults: Recorded around 2011 and not good enough for an upload at that time. Listened to it accidentally a few days ago and became aware, that this is supposed to be the most manic piece of something I have ever recorded. Originally named "Blackskin", which was somehow a tribute to 00s-Noise-Project Blacksmoke, co-founded by Jimmy Cauty, I now renamed it into "Black Skin", 'cos I couldn't think of any other title."
Hehe, das erinnert mich irgendwie an die alten Acid-House-Zeiten, ähnlich ausgeflippt ist es jedenfalls. Heartbeat kann man auch ganz gut anhören, nur bei den Credits lese ich immer "The Mad Hitler" und zucke erst mal zusammen.
Machen durchaus Spaß, die Tracks, speziell "A Hard Tuesday's Night" und "Sunday". Kleiner Tipp: Wenn du schon Altern 8 sampelst, sollte der Track ein bisschen mehr nach vorne gehen.