Russian Baths - Deepfake Mag den Track "Tracks". Mit solchen fetten Noise Wänden bekommt man mich diesen Herbst. Erinnert an Catherine Wheel aus den 90ern.
Gerade den Appetithappen auf der Spex-Soundcloud-Liste gehört. Könnte auch was für @LFB sein. ehemaliger Influencer * Downtown * Radebrecht * "Die einzige Bevölkerungsgruppe, die man risikolos beleidigen kann, sind die Dummen. Da fühlt sich nie einer angegriffen." (Ronja von Rönne) “The sex and drugs have gone and now it’s just the rock ‘n’ roll” (Shaun Ryder)
Den Vorab-Track von oben habe ich ja bereits im Platten-Vorfreude-Thread gepostet. Ich dachte, vielleicht teilt hier auch jemand mein Interesse an den anderen Projekten der Ultraísta-Sängerin Laura Bettinson.
ZitatFEMME combines playful, avant-pop with big, beat-driven electronic music. Encompassing art, music, film and fashion, FEMME has seen artists like Four Tet and David Lynch manipulate her vocals in sublime fashion in her other guise as frontwoman with Nigel Godrich’s Ultraista.
ZitatEckoclick is the brand new collaboration between the Slowfoot signed producer, Crewdson and the fast rising vocalist, Femme. Both incredibly adept within their own fields - Crewdson with his superbly intricate sampling techniques and freewheeling compositions and Femme with her attitude laden, oft-heartfelt song writing and vocal delivery – their debut self-titled EP builds on the promise so perfectly contained in their remix of Bambooman’s ‘Sun’ (which we released in 2013) and serves up six slices of dappled house music.
After first meeting at Goldsmiths, University of London, the duo later set about experimenting in their home studios, intertwining aspects of their solo work to create a wholly unique sound that’s made entirely out of found sounds and Femme’s voice. And it’s this blending of fractal audial experiments with the serene vocal layering that marks out Eckoclick’s material. Whether it’s the upbeat funk of tracks like ‘Dream In Colour’ and ‘Dance With Me’ or the moodier ‘Bad Luck’ and ‘Break’, the duo manage to sound like themselves at all times – simply two friends and collaborators reveling in the depths of each other’s skill set.
“There are no synths or drum machines used on this record. Everything is entirely sample based, made from sounds that we have recorded ourselves,” Crewdson says of the production process, half joking that the EP marks the culmination of a hell of a lot of sample chopping on his part. “It’s something I try to do throughout all my work but in this instance I think it gives what is essentially house music, a really interesting and gritty sound.”
“We both come from quite different musical backgrounds with different fan bases,” Femme admits candidly. “With Hugh being in the more experimental electronic scene and myself operating in more of a pop world, it's going to be exciting to see who the EP connects with.” credits released September 8, 2014
All music by H. Jones & L. Bettinson.
(D&C = Dimbleby & Capper Den Track "Want this" gibt es für umsonst.)
☟ smog in berlin. nichts wie hin. weil du mich küsst, bin ich kein tourist.
Der Song von D&C ist nicht schlecht. Bei Eckoclick ist das Konzept interessant, der Track ist aber ein bisschen chaotisch. Und bei Femme nervt ein bisschen, dass der Gesang arg Autotune-fad klingt.
@zickzack Kann dieser Thread vielleicht zu den Tonträgern geschoben werden. Da "Digitale Nuererwerbungen" sich ebenfalls dort befinden, scheint es mir logisch, wenn dieser Thread sich dazugesellen darf.
☟ smog in berlin. nichts wie hin. weil du mich küsst, bin ich kein tourist.
Kommenden Freitag spendet Bandcamp den kompletten Anteil, den sie durch Verkäufe generieren, den in Not geratenen MusikerInnen, aber lest selbst:
ZitatThe Covid-19 pandemic is in full force, and artists have been hit especially hard as tours and shows are being canceled for the foreseeable future. With such a major revenue stream drying up almost entirely, finding ways to continue supporting artists in the coming months is now an urgent priority for anyone who cares about music and the artists who create it. The good news is that we’re already seeing many fans going above and beyond to support artists across Bandcamp.
To raise even more awareness around the pandemic’s impact on musicians everywhere, we’re waiving our revenue share on sales this Friday, March 20 (from midnight to midnight Pacific Time), and rallying the Bandcamp community to put much needed money directly into artists’ pockets.
For many artists, a single day of boosted sales can mean the difference between being able to pay rent or not. Still, we consider this just a starting point. Musicians will continue to feel the effects of lost touring income for many months to come, so we’re also sharing some ideas below on how fans can support the artists they love and how artists can give fans new, creative ways to provide support.
It may sound simple, but the best way to help artists is with your direct financial support, and we hope you’ll join us on Friday and through the coming months as we work to support artists in this challenging time.
Zitat von Lumich im Beitrag #118Kommenden Freitag spendet Bandcamp den kompletten Anteil, den sie durch Verkäufe generieren, den in Not geratenen MusikerInnen